var SELECTED_GRAPH_NODE = ""; function createSocialNetworkGraphKey() { var tb1 = new Element("div", {'id':'graphkeydivtoolbar','class':'toolbarrow col-12'}); var key = new Element("div", {'id':'key','class':'row mb-3'}); var text = ""; text += '
Il piĆ¹ connesso
'; text += '
fortemente connesso
'; text += '
moderatamente connesso
'; text += '
scarsamente connesso
'; text += '
Seleziona elemento
'; key.insert(text); var count = new Element("div", {'id':'graphConnectionCount','class':'col-auto'}); key.insert(count); tb1.insert(key); return tb1; } /** * Create the key for the graph node types etc... * @return a div holding the graph key. */ function createNetworkGraphKey() { var tb1 = new Element("div", {'id':'graphkeydivtoolbar','class':'toolbarrow col-12'}); var key = new Element("div", {'id':'key','class':'row mb-3'}); var text = ""; if (hasChallenge) { text += '
'; } text+= '
'; if (hasClaim){ text += '
'; } if (hasSolution) { text += '
'; } text += '
'; text += '
'; text += '
Seleziona elemento
'; text += '
elemento focale
'; key.insert(text); var count = new Element("div", {'id':'graphConnectionCount','class':'col-auto'}); key.insert(count); tb1.insert(key); return tb1; } /** * Create the key for the graph node types etc... * @return a div holding the graph key. */ function createNetworkOrgGraphKey() { var tb1 = new Element("div", {'id':'graphkeydivtoolbar','class':'toolbarrow'}); var key = new Element("div", {'id':'key','class':'row mb-3'}); var text = ""; if (hasChallenge) { text += '
'; } text+= '
'; if (hasClaim){ text += '
'; } if (hasSolution) { text += '
'; } text += '
'; text += '
'; text += '
'; text += '
'; text += '
Seleziona elemento
'; text += '
elemento focale
'; key.insert(text); tb1.insert(key); var count = new Element("div", {'id':'graphConnectionCount','class':'col-auto'}); tb1.insert(count); return tb1; } /** * Create the basic graph toolbar for all network graphs */ function createBasicGraphToolbar(forcedirectedGraph, contentarea) { var tb2 = new Element("div", {'id':'graphmaintoolbar','class':'graphmaintoolbar toolbarrow col-12'}); var button = new Element("button", {'id':'expandbutton','title':'Ridimensiona la mappa', "class":"d-none"}); var icon = new Element("img", {'id':'expandicon', 'src':"", 'title':'Ridimensiona la mappa'}); button.insert(icon); tb2.insert(button); var link = new Element("a", {'id':'expandlink', 'title':'Ridimensiona la mappa', "class":"col-auto map-btn"}); link.insert(' ingrandisci la mappa'); var handler = function() { if ($('header').style.display == "none") { $('linkbuttonsvn').update(' ingrandisci la mappa'); reduceMap(contentarea, forcedirectedGraph); } else { $('linkbuttonsvn').update(' Rimpicciolisci la mappa'); enlargeMap(contentarea, forcedirectedGraph); } }; Event.observe(link,"click", handler); Event.observe(button,"click", handler); tb2.insert(link); var zoomOut = new Element("button", {'class':'btn btn-link', 'title':'Riduci'}); zoomOut.insert(' Riduci'); var zoomOuthandler = function() { zoomFD(forcedirectedGraph, 5.0); }; Event.observe(zoomOut,"click", zoomOuthandler); tb2.insert(zoomOut); var zoomIn = new Element("button", {'class':'btn btn-link', 'title':'Ingrandisci'}); zoomIn.insert(' Ingrandisci'); var zoomInhandler = function() { zoomFD(forcedirectedGraph, -5.0); }; Event.observe(zoomIn,"click", zoomInhandler); tb2.insert(zoomIn); var zoom1to1 = new Element("button", {'class':'btn btn-link', 'title':'Ingrandisci questo grafico di rete al 100% e centra l\'elemento focale'}); zoom1to1.insert(' 1:1 focus'); var zoom1to1handler = function() { zoomFDFull(forcedirectedGraph); }; Event.observe(zoom1to1,"click", zoom1to1handler); tb2.insert(zoom1to1); var zoomFit = new Element("button", {'class':'btn btn-link', 'title':'Ridimensiona il grafico se necessario e spostalo per adattarlo all\'area visibile'}); zoomFit.insert(' Fit all'); var zoomFithandler = function() { zoomFDFit(forcedirectedGraph); }; Event.observe(zoomFit,"click", zoomFithandler); tb2.insert(zoomFit); var printButton = new Element("button", {'class':'btn btn-link', 'title':'Stampa questo grafico di rete '}); printButton.insert(' Stampa questo grafico di rete '); var printButtonhandler = function() { printCanvas(forcedirectedGraph); }; Event.observe(printButton,"click", printButtonhandler); tb2.insert(printButton); return tb2; } /** * Create the graph toolbar for Social network graphs */ function createSocialGraphToolbar(forcedirectedGraph,contentarea) { var tb2 = createBasicGraphToolbar(forcedirectedGraph,contentarea); var button3 = new Element("button", {'id':'viewdetailbutton','class':'d-none','title':'Apri la home page della persona attualmente selezionata'}); tb2.insert(button3); var view3 = new Element("a", {'id':'viewdetaillink', "class":"map-btn", 'title':"Apri la home page della persona attualmente selezionata"}); view3.insert(' Esplora la persona selezionata'); var handler3 = function() { var node = getSelectFDNode(forcedirectedGraph); if (node != null && node != "") { var userid = node.getData('oriuser').userid; if (userid != "") { viewUserHome(userid); } else { alert("Per favore assicurati di aver effettuato una selezione nella mappa."); } } }; Event.observe(button3,"click", handler3); Event.observe(view3,"click", handler3); tb2.insert(view3); var hint2 = "Mostra tutti i collegamenti per il link selezionato"; var link2 = "Esplora il collegamento selezionato"; var button2 = new Element("button", {'id':'viewdetailbutton',"class":"d-none",'title':hint2}); tb2.insert(button2); // console.log(hint); var view = new Element("a", {'id':'viewdetaillink', "class":"map-btn", 'title': hint2}); var spancontent = ""; view.insert(" "+link2+""); var handler2 = function() { var adj = getSelectFDLink(forcedirectedGraph); var connectionids = adj.getData('connections'); if (connectionids != "") { showMultiConnections(connectionids); } else { alert("Per favore assicurati di aver effettuato una selezione nella mappa."); } }; Event.observe(button2,"click", handler2); Event.observe(view,"click", handler2); tb2.insert(view); return tb2; } /** * Create the graph toolbar for Node network graphs */ function createGraphToolbar(forcedirectedGraph,contentarea) { var tb2 = createBasicGraphToolbar(forcedirectedGraph,contentarea); var hint2 = "Apri la pagine per visualizzare i dettagli completi dell'elemento selezionato"; var link2 = "Esplora l'elemento selezionato"; var button2 = new Element("button", {'id':'viewdetailbutton','class':'btn btn-link','title':hint2}); button2.insert(" "+link2+""); tb2.insert(button2); var handler2 = function() { var node = getSelectFDNode(forcedirectedGraph); if (node != null && node != "") { var nodeid =; var nodetype = node.getData('nodetype'); var width = getWindowWidth(); var height = getWindowHeight()-20; viewNodeDetails(nodeid, nodetype, width, height); } else { alert("Per favore assicurati di aver effettuato una selezione nella mappa."); } }; Event.observe(button2,"click", handler2); var hint3 = "Apri la home page dell'autore per l'elemento attualmente selezionato"; var link3 = "Esplora l'autore dell'elemento selezionato"; var button3 = new Element("button", {'id':'viewdetailbutton','class':'btn btn-link','title':hint3}); button3.insert(" "+link3+""); tb2.insert(button3); var handler3 = function() { var node = getSelectFDNode(forcedirectedGraph); if (node != null && node != "") { var userid = node.getData('oriuser').userid; if (userid != "") { viewUserHome(userid); } else { alert("Per favore assicurati di aver effettuato una selezione nella mappa."); } } }; Event.observe(button3,"click", handler3); return tb2; } /** * Calulate the width and height of the visible graph area * depending if it is reduced or enlarged at present. */ function resizeFDGraph(graphview, contentarea, withInner){ if ($('header')&& $('header').style.display == "none") { var width = $(contentarea).offsetWidth - 35; var height = getWindowHeight(); //alert(height); if ($('graphkeydivtoolbar')) { height -= $('graphkeydivtoolbar').offsetHeight; } if ($('graphmaintoolbar')) { height -= $('graphmaintoolbar').offsetHeight; } //if ($('nodearealineartitle')) { // height -= $('nodearealineartitle').offsetHeight; //} height -= 20; //alert(height); $(graphview.config.injectInto+'-outer').style.width = width+"px"; $(graphview.config.injectInto+'-outer').style.height = height+"px"; //if (withInner) { resizeFDGraphCanvas(graphview, width, height); //} } else { var size = calulateInitialGraphViewport(contentarea) $(graphview.config.injectInto+'-outer').style.width = size.width+"px"; $(graphview.config.injectInto+'-outer').style.height = size.height+"px"; //if (withInner) { resizeFDGraphCanvas(graphview, width, height); //} } // GRAB FOCUS graphview.canvas.getPos(true); } function calulateInitialGraphViewport(areaname) { var w = $(areaname).offsetWidth - 30; var h = getWindowHeight(); //alert(h); if ($('header')) { h -= $('header').offsetHeight; } // The explore views toolbar if ($('nodearealineartitle')) { h -= $('nodearealineartitle').offsetHeight; } if ($('headertoolbar')) { h -= $('headertoolbar').offsetHeight; h -= 30; } if ($('graphkeydivtoolbar')) { h -= $('graphkeydivtoolbar').offsetHeight; } if ($('graphmaintoolbar')) { h -= $('graphmaintoolbar').offsetHeight; } // Main social Network if ($('tabs')) { // +user social uses this h -= $('tabs').offsetHeight; } if ($('tab-content-user-title')) { h -= $('tab-content-user-title').offsetHeight; h -= 35; } if ($('tab-content-user-search')) { h -= $('tab-content-user-search').offsetHeight; } if ($('usertabs')) { h -= $('usertabs').offsetHeight; } // User social network if ($('context')) { h -= $('context').offsetHeight; } if ($('tab-content-user-bar')) { h -= $('tab-content-user-bar').offsetHeight; h -= 20; } //alert(h); return {width:w, height:h}; } /** * Called to set the screen to standard view */ function reduceMap(contentarea, forcedirectedGraph) { if ($('header')) { $('header').style.display="flex"; } // The explore views toolbar if ($('headertoolbar')) { $('headertoolbar').style.display="flex"; } if ($('nodearealineartitle')) { $('nodearealineartitle').style.display="flex"; } // Main social Network if ($('tabs')) { // +user social uses this $('tabs').style.display="flex"; } if ($('tab-content-user-title')) { $('tab-content-user-title').style.display="flex"; } if ($('tab-content-user-search')) { $('tab-content-user-search').style.display="flex"; } if ($('usertabs')) { $('usertabs').style.display="flex"; } // User social network if ($('context')) { $('context').style.display="flex"; } if ($('tab-content-user-bar')) { $('tab-content-user-bar').style.display="flex"; } resizeFDGraph(forcedirectedGraph, contentarea, true); } /** * Called to remove some screen realestate to increase map area. */ function enlargeMap(contentarea, forcedirectedGraph) { if ($('header')) { $('header').style.display="none"; } // The explore views toolbar if ($('headertoolbar')) { $('headertoolbar').style.display="none"; } if ($('nodearealineartitle')) { $('nodearealineartitle').style.display="none"; } // Main social Network if ($('tabs')) { // +user social uses this $('tabs').style.display="none"; } if ($('tab-content-user-title')) { $('tab-content-user-title').style.display="none"; } if ($('tab-content-user-search')) { $('tab-content-user-search').style.display="none"; } if ($('usertabs')) { $('usertabs').style.display="none"; } // User social network if ($('context')) { $('context').style.display="none"; } if ($('tab-content-user-bar')) { $('tab-content-user-bar').style.display="none"; } resizeFDGraph(forcedirectedGraph, contentarea, true); } /** * Called by the Applet to open the applet help */ function showHelp() { loadDialog('help', URL_ROOT+'help/networkmap.php'); } /** * Called by the Applet to go to the home page of the given userid */ function viewUserHome(userid) { var width = getWindowWidth(); var height = getWindowHeight()-20; loadDialog('userdetails', URL_ROOT+"user.php?userid="+userid, width,height); } /** * Called by the Applet to go to the multi connection expanded view for the given connection */ function showMultiConnections(connectionids) { loadDialog("multiconnections", URL_ROOT+"ui/popups/showmulticonns.php?connectionids="+connectionids, 790, 450); } /** * Check if the current brwoser supports HTML5 Canvas. * Return true if it does, else false. */ function isCanvasSupported(){ var elem = document.createElement('canvas'); return !!(elem.getContext && elem.getContext('2d')); }